
Company name: EZC GROUP SA

Sign: Aero Avenue

Legal status and social capital: SA created on 22/08/2008. share capital: EUR 31,500 .-

RCS number: B 140949

Head office and offices: 19 rue de l'Industrie L-8069 BERTRANGE


Telephone: 00352 26176226


Website :

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9h to 19h

VAT: LU22753349

Host of the site: OVH 2 rue Kellerman 59053 ROUBAIX FRANCE

Director of publication: Evelyne Molé

The Aero Avenue site is the full and entire property of EZC GROUP SA, any full or partial reproduction is prohibited.

Acceptance of conditions

These general conditions of sale govern the contractual relations between EZC GROUP SA - Aero Avenue and its client. They are accepted without reservation by both parties. The customer acknowledges having read these terms and conditions at the time of placing the order.


The products offered on the Aero Avenue site are either in stock (if the mention "shipping within 24h" is indicated), or to order from our suppliers (in this case, the mention of the precise shipping time in how many days will be shipped the product, subject to availability from the supplier).

The product illustration photos are not contractual, the responsibility of EZC GROUP SA - Aero Avenue can not be engaged if errors were included.


The prices of our articles are indicated all taxes included.


The order is validated by the customer on the Aero Avenue website under his responsibility in terms of content and date. It is also the buyer's responsibility to provide the order with a precise and accurate address for the delivery to take place. EZC GROUP SA - Aero Avenue can not be held responsible for an impossibility of delivery due to incorrect coordinates provided by the customer.

EZC GROUP SA - Aero Avenue will confirm the acceptance of the order to the customer by email to the email address provided by him.


The price to be paid by the customer is indicated on the order confirmation sent by EZC GROUP SA - Aero Avenue. This sum is to be paid immediately, via the means of payment made available by EZC GROUP SA - Aero Avenue on this site. The order will be effective from the moment the payment has been made and found and accepted by the seller.

Shipping / Delivery

Some products may benefit from the option TNT Expresssee the page shipments.

The shipping times mentioned on the article pages (accessible by the button "more information") are the generally recognized deadlines. This delay may in some cases be exceeded (case of simultaneous orders), in case of exceeding more than 24 hours you will be informed and will have the opportunity to cancel your order.

Products for which a shipping time exceeding 48h is mentioned will be shipped within this period, subject to availability of products on order from our suppliers or force majeure. Simultaneous orders can in rare cases lead to an out of stock situation requiring a longer wait: in case you will be immediately informed and will of course have the possibility to cancel your order.

Products marked "on order" will be subject to information with the final delivery time: if this time is too long you can request the refund of your order. You can also contact us before placing an order.

In all cases of delay where you hold your order you will receive a gift from us!

The routing of orders is usually made by the Luxembourg Post (POST Luxembourg) for all shipments free port. As an indication, the usual delays for standard shipments are 1 to 2 working days for a shipment to Luxembourg, and 2 to 3 working days for shipments to France and Belgium.

La Zone Europe ci dessous désignée comprend les pays suivants : France, Belgique, Allemagne, Royaume Uni, Italie, Espagne, Pays Bas. Veuillez noter que nous ne livrons pas vers les DOM-TOM Français.

For all watches, insured shipping is offered for Luxembourg and Europe Zone.

For orders over € 300.00, the parcel tracking is available for Luxembourg and the Europe Zone. You have the option to opt for a registered shipment.

For products with a charge, shipments are usually made via POST Luxembourg. The following tariff options (tracking, insurance) is indicated at the time of the order.

Orders of less than € 25.00 offered free shipping will be sent in standard shipping, without tracking and without insurance.

The delivery charges are included in the table below (the price is always indicated at the time of the order), in the case of the uninsured port you have the responsibility of routing: EZC Group SA - Aero Avenue is responsible from the parcel until its deposit towards POST where the carrier.

S M The XL
Europe zone
Followed 4,85 6,75 8,95 18,05
insured 7,95 14,95 14,95 24,95
Luxembourg area
Followed 3,40 4,80 6,20 10,40
insured 8,00 8,00 8,00 20,00

It is very important that the customer indicates at the time of the order a complete and correct delivery address (door codes, digicodes etc if any), as well as a telephone number where it will be reachable, so that the order be given to him personally or given to a person authorized by him even in case of absence. Please note that valuable products are often sent with acknowledgment of receipt: the identity of the signatory must correspond to the coordinates provided during the order.

Goods always traveling at the risk of the recipient, upon receipt of the package, the customer is required to verify that the packaging of the package has not suffered damage during transport. If this is the case, the customer must make reservations with the carrier.


You have 14 days from receipt of items to retract and 30 days for watches. Some returns are free (see page "Returns” ).

In case of exchange or refund, it will be your responsibility to return the items concerned in their original packaging, in the absolutely new condition (not marking any signs of use), with all their possible accessories, instructions, modes of employment, intact and a copy of the invoice. The return address is:


19, rue de l'Industrie



In the event of exercise of the right of retraction, Aero Avenue will ensure the refund of the sums paid, without expenses, with the exception of the expenses of return.

Exception: Pilot helmets are not taken back for hygiene reasons.


The warranty that applies is that of the manufacturers of products marketed by EZC GROUP SA -Aero Avenue. In case of breakdown, the customer can contact the services of EZC GROUP SA - Aero Avenue, at the following telephone number 00352 26176226 or via this Contact formthe procedure to be followed will be communicated to him at this time. The customer can also if he wishes to return the defective product with the copy of the invoice, specifying the failure encountered. No returns will be accepted without a copy of the invoice.

Shipping costs are the responsibility of the sender.

Shipping costs, batteries / batteries are not part of the warranty.


The Luxembourg courts are the only competent courts and Luxembourg law applies within the limits of the European regulations.

Terms of use and privacy policy

The personal data collected by this site are of the following nature:

  • Data required for billing, tracking your order (including warranty) and allowing an easier recommendation: these data are collected on the order page and are kept after the end of warranty period for you to recommend more easily, for a period of ten years.
  • Navigation data: to help us improve your experience and for anti-fraud purposes, we keep this data for up to 2 years.
  • We use cookies to improve your experience. Marketing tools like Google AdWords can also be used to inform you about our offers (see Google's Privacy Policy).

The information directly collected by EZC Group SA is not communicated to third parties.

The customer has a right to access, rectify and delete personal data collected by EZC Group SA by simple request to the sales department.

EZC GROUP SA is declared to the National Commission for the Protection of Luxembourg Data.